Review Article

Volume: 36 | Issue: 2S | Published: Jun 24, 2020 | Pages: 185 - 193 | DOI: 10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens

Authors: Sarah Ghafoor , Ansa Javed Akram


Sarah Ghafoor

Head, Department of Oral Biology, University of Health Sciences-Lahore.

Ansa Javed Akram

Specialist Orthodontist, Ocean Orthodontics Practice, Bristol-United Kingdom.

Publication History

Received: May 15, 2020

Revised: May 22, 2020

Accepted: June 17, 2020

Published: June 24, 2020


Corona virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a global health pandemic that has affected life of every individual in the world. It is caused by a novel Corona virus strain that has caused seventh Corona virus infection that has affected human population, named as “COVID-19” virus by the World Health Organization. Previously, six Corona virus infections have affected humans but those caused by SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV have proved to be more lethal. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) has been found as the receptor for COVID-19 through which cellular entry of the virus is mediated into the body. These receptors are abundantly present in the oral cavity especially on the epithelial cells of the tongue, oral mucosa and the gingiva. Saliva is an oral bio-fluid of the oral cavity in which high titres of the virus have been identified during early and later stages of infection. Saliva collection is a non-invasion method and can act as a diagnostic tool for COVID-19 disease. Common oral symptoms of the disease include transient loss of taste, smell and dryness of mouth. Precautionary measures must be taken by dentist before carrying out any dental procedure for safety of the health care professional, staff and also the patient. Dental community must think of the “new normal” regarding clinical dental care in light of post-COVID-19 situation.

Keywords: COVID-19, Dentistry, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), Dental practice.

Pubmed Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram. Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens. BioMedica. 2020; 24 (June 2020): 185-193. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

Web Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram. Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens. [Access: September 21, 2024]. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram. Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens. BioMedica. 2020; 24 (June 2020): 185-193. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram. Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens. BioMedica. (2020), [cited September 21, 2024]; 24 (June 2020): 185-193. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

Harvard Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram (2020) Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens. BioMedica, 24 (June 2020): 185-193. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

Chicago Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram. "Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens." 24 (2020), 185-193. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram. "Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens." 24.June 2020 (2020), 185-193. Print. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Sarah Ghafoor, Ansa Javed Akram (2020) Understanding COVID-19 through the Dental Lens. , 24 (June 2020), 185-193. doi:10.24911/BioMedica//BioMedica/5-441