Original Article

VOLUME: 40 | ISSUE: 2 | Jun 25, 2024 | PAGE: (100 - 106) | DOI: 10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan

Authors: Memoona Javed , Amjad H Wyne , Hammad Hassan orcid logo


Memoona Javed

Demonstrator, Pediatric Dentistry Department, Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, NUMS

Amjad H Wyne

President, Pakistan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Hammad Hassan

Assistant Professor, Dental Materials Department, University of Health Sciences, Lahore

orcid logo ORCID

Publication History

Received: March 03, 2024

Revised: May 20, 2024

Accepted: June 14, 2024

Published: June 25, 2024


Background and Objective: With the high prevalence of dental caries among children in Pakistan and the limited availability of pediatric dentists, dental care is provided majorly by general dentists. This study aims to determine the preventive dental care provided to pediatric dental patients by general dentists in private practice settings in Lahore.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 185 general dentists working in private dental clinics in Lahore, utilizing an online validated questionnaire designed by the authors and distributed through email and WhatsApp using a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using statistical software, and p-value of 0.05 was taken as significant.

Results: Most respondents (73.5%) reported the unavailability of pediatric dentists in their clinics. About one-third of the respondents always chose to refer their child to a pediatric dentist. About 48.1% of the general dentists were “somewhat aware” of the behavioral management techniques. Pediatric-specific dental treatment services were more frequently provided in clinics where a pediatric dentist was available. Fillings were the most frequent (90.8%) treatment services, along with extractions (79.5%), pulpectomies (69.2%), and pulpotomies (65.9%). Notably, 74.1% of the general dentists had not attended any workshop or course in pediatric dentistry.

Conclusion: General dentists in private practices provide minimal dental treatment to pediatric patients, with a significant number lacking formal training in pediatric dentistry. This highlights the need for formal training programs to improve the quality of pediatric dental care.

Keywords: Dental care, general dentists, pediatric dentistry, dental treatment.

Pubmed Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan. Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. BioMedica. 2024; 25 (June 2024): 100-106. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

Web Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan. Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. https://biomedicapk.com/articles/online_first/1156 [Access: September 01, 2024]. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan. Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. BioMedica. 2024; 25 (June 2024): 100-106. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan. Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. BioMedica. (2024), [cited September 01, 2024]; 25 (June 2024): 100-106. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

Harvard Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan (2024) Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. BioMedica, 25 (June 2024): 100-106. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

Chicago Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan. "Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan." 25 (2024), 100-106. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan. "Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan." 25.June 2024 (2024), 100-106. Print. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Memoona Javed, Amjad H Wyne, Hammad Hassan (2024) Practices of Dental Care and Treatment Provided to Pediatric Patients in Private Dental Clinics in Lahore, Pakistan. , 25 (June 2024), 100-106. doi:10.24911/BioMedica/5-1156